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I'm looking for an artistic agent...So i must say YOU, to help me bring my art to public-life...!

Je cherche un agent artistique, vous, pour que mon travail acquiert une vie publique...!


French Art school Emile Cohl. 3 years.

Publications with different pennames. 

A trash webcomic Le christ des mouches (in 2016) (30,000 views in France without real advertising).

Some illustrations in a local newspaper. (le petit journal de Kervé)

Yil edition: A comic book (la plume maudite) (Done in 2014).

DirtyGirlsDigest: An illustration. (done in 2019).

BAM42 Anthology: 3 illustrations. (done in 2019) (the Anthology that mixes writing and art. It's coming out soon).

A short SciFi story with the writer Julio Paz called 'we travel'. (Done in 2015) (published in 2020 in future tales anthology).

A short story about a boxer in volume 2 Slice and Quarterly Anthology. (Done 2015)

A short story about a murderer in volume 1 Chronicles Of Terror (Done in 2016) (A quarterly Horror Anthology).

A pirates short story (part of a succesfull kickstarter) 'We suck at comics', an anthology about Rejection by Wayward Raven Media. (Done in 2022)

I now give a BIG thank to all my art-partners! You can see here some of their faces, if they got one!

Gan (writer)

avatar correctrice couls 300 dpi png.png

(correction and poetry writer)

R.Finch (writer)


Lucie Delatre (writer)

There are also Niek Vink (writer and letterer), Julio Paz, Christoff (writer)...And all the people i met along the way.

About me.

  Keeper of the Ter windmill, abandoned but still valiant - nearly all his rooftiles on, his sails lashing the changing Briton winds - I’m watching the white shapes woven by the cobwebs against the starry night through a hole in the leaking roof. Every full moon, I dive in the lake – be it tepid, cold or icy in the depths of winter – to fish out plastics, and other waste of a society built on improvised picnics and mindfulness carelessness. I don’t throw them away. To these society’s rejects, I give a complete makeover - with a promise of eternal life - by making, sculpting for the large meadow surrounded by oak trees, maple trees, oleanders and other shelters for squirrels, sparrows and shrews, some epic statues. Every single one is a still life, roaring with joy, though coming from the dull, dead dark waters of the lake’s later days. And the visitors in the Ter pond park, together with the eclectic strollers, enjoy the view on this original yet inspired show which feeds their imagination and is climbed on by their kids. A chubby octopus, a docile brown bitch on the leash of her master, hairy-legged and sour-tempered spiders: all of them prove me right in their colorful bestiary. We’re playing. I’m also playing with Vivakamei as she tries to mend all my distracted ways. But beware! I’m a boxer. Punchy drawings with both hands, right jab, left hook, ink or digital uppercuts: get ready to be knocked out!

  Gardien du moulin du Ter, désaffecté mais fringant (presque toutes ses tuiles), ses ailes tournant au vent changeant Breton, je regarde les formes blanches que tissent les toiles d’araignées du toit troué à la lumière des étoiles. Chaque pleine lune, je plonge dans le lac, chaud, froid, ou glacé par plein hiver, pour repêcher les plastiques et autres déchets d’une société faite de pique-niques improvisés et de laisser aller de pleine conscience. Je ne les jette pas. Ces laissés pour compte, je leur donne une nouvelle jeunesse avec promesse de postérité en réalisant et sculptant pour le grand pré cerclé de chênes et d’érables, de lauriers roses, et autres refuges à écureuils, musaraignes et moineaux, des statues épiques... Autant de natures mortes criant leur vie. Elles hurlent de joie à pleins poumons, elles, issues paradoxalement des eaux mortes noires et plates du passé du lac, et les visiteurs du parc de l’Étang du Ter ainsi que les différents promeneurs de passage jouissent de ce spectacle original, mais inspiré, qui nourrit leur imaginaire et sur lesquelles grimpent les enfants.

Poulpe dodu, chienne brune docile en laisse de son maître pressé, araignées acariâtres aux grandes pattes velues, tous me donnent raison dans ce bestiaire coloré. On joue.

Je joue, aussi, avec Vivakamei qui tente de corriger tous mes égarements, mais ne vous y fiez pas: je suis un boxer. Dessins percutants des deux mains, jabs du droit et crochet du gauche, uppercut a l'encre ou numérique, apprêtez-vous... A tomber KO.

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