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Sample of various works

Here some past works, in different genres/ways. You can see first some illustrations, then some full short stories and then samples of stories.

Ici des travaux passés. d'abord des illustrations, ensuite des histoires courtes complètes, et après des bouts d'histoires.

Some illustrations

Illustration going to be published in BAM anthology.


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The cover of my webcomic 'Le Christ des Mouches in French or 'The Christ of Flies' in English.
the full pages (46) have been done in around only 2 months, pencils and inks. (And also the story from writer Lucie Delatre).

Some short stories.

A full 6-page short story (published)by Wayward Raven Media

A full 3-page short story

A complete 8-page short story



A 2-page short done with Nikki Sherman in 2016 and published in chronicles of Terror.

A 3-page short story published in 2020 in future SciFi Tales but done in 2015.

And finally various sample pages of stories

A 5-page short story done with Eric Gahagan 
in 2015, published in Sliced (quarterly).

Inks and colors by

Some pages from 'la plume maudite' published by YIL éditions in 2014.

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